
xlwings Lite is in an early stage. A few of the planned enhancements include:

  • Enable access to local files.

  • Add an interactive Python terminal.

  • Add AI coding support similar to Excel’s Copilot.

  • Allow to use multiple Python modules.

  • Allow to use a Jupyter/marimo notebook instead of a normal Python file.

  • Custom functions: add support for streaming functions and object handles.

  • Custom scripts: Currently, the content of the whole workbook is transferred to the Python runtime even if it’s not required. This makes scripts slow when the workbook is very big. Similarly, scripts don’t allow to interact with Excel’s calculated values. This means that you currently can’t trigger an Excel calculation in a script and use its result in the same script.

  • Show printed output live, instead of when the script/function terminates.

  • Improve the coverage of the Excel object model, especially with formatting and charting.

  • Allow to run scripts from buttons on the Excel sheet.

  • Add a secure way to deal with secrets.

  • Integrate Git version control.

  • Optionally allow to store the Python code externally like Office Scripts do.

  • Allow to change the Pyodide version.

  • Improve code completion and code navigation.

  • Add dark mode.

  • Add the ability to switch from Pyodide to a full Python installation on a backend server such as Azure functions.